Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dow down 416 pts! - Why?

Two reasons why the stock market crashed yesterday, was 1st, the recent drop of the chinese stock market of 9% overnight, damaged the global economy. Also the 2nd reason is we've never had a dramatic loss since 9-11. Therefore the economy's been growing and not decreasing, and inorder to keep everything balanced the stocks must decrease maybe even by 416 points to get us back on track.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Opportunity Costs

Economist analyze all the different aspects of a transaction or trade. By doing one thing you limit yourself from doing something else. For example, if you choose a career then you will limit yourself from taking on another job. A personal opportunity cost that i'd had to choose, is withdrawing myself from the extra curricular activities from school to start my own company. By doing so I obtain more knowledge about the business world and gain the fanancial benefits but in return I spend less time having fun and less time with friends.

Monday, February 12, 2007